Greetings HABLers!
HABL is hosting an A.M.A a.k.a Ask Me Anything. We understand that our community want to get to know first-hand about what we are busy with and how far along our project is, so we will be hosting AMA sessions regularly.
Please refer to the information below for more details about the AMA:
▶Date: Tuesday, July 19, 2022 at 15:00
▶How to participate:
1. Have any questions? Drop the questions by filling in this form.
2. Search for “HABL” Official on YouTube.
Make sure to follow the account and click the bell to get notified when we start the session.
Or, you can simply click this.
3. Participate in the live streaming session.
We plan to give rewards that include HIBS and/or HABL merchandises randomly to limited participants who have:
1. Filled in the Google Form.
2. Watch the entire live session.
3. Participate in the live chat during the live session
We look forward to the AMA session and meanwhile, please refer to our channels below should you have any queries regarding the AMA.